Correspondence from Voter

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Record Correspondence from Voter > {voter}

Use the Correspondence from Voter dialog to record the receipt of mail or other contact from the voter. This mail can be generated by the elections office, such as a Final Notice, or it can be some form of contact originated by the voter, such as mail or a phone call.

Use this dialog to record a phone call from an out-of-county voter advising you that they have moved into your county.

You can use this dialog to record a phone call from a local voter advising you of an address change. In-county address changes can also be recorded on the voter's Maintenance dialog.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

View Voter Audit

Click to open the voter's audit log, listing all activity recorded for the voter. This is the same information displayed on the Audit tab in the voter record.

Correspondence Type

Select one of the values in this box.

Address Confirmation—Select if the returned mail is an address confirmation request.

Address Change Notice—Select if the returned mail is an address change notice; a notice scheduled as part of a combo card or a notice mailed by the elections office to a voter for whom the office has received a third-party address change.

Final NoticeSelect if the returned mail is a Final Notice; a notice scheduled due to the processing of undeliverable mail or third-party or NCOA address changes.

Felon Letter-County ClerkSelect if the returned mail is a felon notice; a letter mailed by the elections office to a voter who has been identified by the court system as a felon.

Other Mail—Select if the returned mail is a type of correspondence that does not fall into any other category.

{selection with drop-down list}This list is pulled from the Reason Description field on the Communication Type Codes dialog in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes. The communication types shown are those where Voter Response is selected.

Card Returned, Record Response

If the voter returned a Felon Letter, an Address Confirmation Request confirming that their residence and mailing addresses are correct, or a Final Notice indicating that no change is needed to their registration record, click this button to update the voter’s last activity date to the current date.

Entries associated with this transaction appear in the voter's audit log.

If the voter's registration status is Inactive, their status will be changed to Active with the reason Reinstate Final Notice/Petn, or 2(A).

Address Change Inside State

If the voter returned an Address Confirmation Request, an Address Change Notice, or a Final Notice indicating changes to their residence address within Florida or changes to their mailing address, click this button to open the Voter New Address dialog and enter the address changes.

A new voter information card is scheduled for the voter, the voter's audit log is updated, and the last activity date is changed to the current date.

If the voter's registration status is Inactive, their status will be changed to Active with the reason Reinstate Final Notice/Petn, or 2(A).

You can also use this option to:

  • Record an address change for a voter who has moved into your county and has notified you in writing, by phone, or by email. Before clicking this button, you would choose the appropriate voter response type from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Correspondence Type box.
  • Make a name change for the voter. The new name is entered on the Voter New Address dialog.

Moved out of State, Remove from Register

If the voter returned an Address Confirmation Request, an Address Change Notice, or a Final Notice indicating that they have moved out of Florida, click this button. Voter Focus will display the message Voter will be removed from the voter roles. Continue?. Click OK to confirm the move and change the voter’s status to Ineligible with a reason code of Moved out of Florida, Requested by Voter, or F(P).

The Audit and Comms tabs on the voter's record will show the incoming address confirmation or change.